There are two main categories of string data types available and understanding their characteristics properly will allow you to choose the appropriate string data type for the column in accordance with the requirements of the application. Having reviewed different table
Ovais Tariq
A collection of 55 posts
A few notes on locking in MySQL
This is another article in a series of articles titled “A few notes …” in which I will be posting some important information about locking concepts, different types of locks and what locks table engines support. Just like the previous article,
A few notes on InnoDB PRIMARY KEY
InnoDB is very different from MyISAM in how it stores data and how the indexes works. InnoDB uses an index-organized data storage technique, wherein the primary key acts as the clustered index and this clustered index holds the data. There
Understanding InnoDB transaction isolation levels
Isolation is an important part of ACID properties that guarantee that transactions are processed in a reliable manner. Isolation ensures that concurrently running transactions do not interfere with each other. Isolation ensures data consistency. If the transactions are not isolated
On Hot Backups and Restore using XtraBackup
Backups are an integral and very important part of any system. Backups allow you to recover your data and be up and running again, in the advent of problems such as system crashes, hardware failures or users deleting data by
Setting up Master-Slave Replication with MySQL
Replication enables data from one MySQL server, called the master, to be replicated to one or more MySQL servers, called slaves. Replication is mostly used as a scale-out solution. With scale-out solution we are basically spreading the load among multiple
Tuning important Apache parameters
Although Apache performance can be improved by adding additional hardware resources such as more RAM, faster CPU, but most of the times, the real problem is that the webserver hasn’t been configured properly and is not delivering optimal performance.
Statement-based vs Row-based Replication
Replication as most people know it, has mostly been SQL statement propagation from master to slave. This is known as “statement-based” replication. But there is also another kind of replication that is available, “the row-based replication” and that has quite
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